
I will share my scrapbooking, mixed media art, sewing projects, jewelry pieces and a bit about me & my life. Enjoy!

November 12, 2011

Jewelry Organizer

Oh my, it's been such a long time since I've posted. I should work on that. I am soooo excited about this new item I have created, that I just have to share it with you!

Every time that I travel, I can never find the perfect "bag" to store my jewelry in.  Everything gets tangled and it's so frustrating.  Soo I put my thinking cap on.  And oh my, this idea woke me out of my

My inspiration was based on this - my crochet hook organizer that I had just taken out the day before to get ready to crochet sleeping mats for Haiti.

And I came up with this:

How do you like the freestyle stitching?

It opens up to this:

Felt pages to hold my earrings.

A page with a band and a pocket to hold my necklaces.

A strap to hold my bracelets.

And this organizer is quilted so it adds extra padding to protect your jewelry.  And the clasp is elasticized to allow more bulky items.

So what do you think?  I'll be making a few more to sell on Gabry Road.


  1. what a great idea Jojo...very innovative! way to go!

  2. I think its awesome; whenever I go to Jamaica i have little pouches that yes tangle everything up so i think i want one!
