
I will share my scrapbooking, mixed media art, sewing projects, jewelry pieces and a bit about me & my life. Enjoy!

July 16, 2014

New beginnings?

Well hello, it’s been awhile hasn’t it?  

Lots has happened this past year, unfortunately not much on the creative side of things, (well the type of hands on dirty messy paint all over my hands and dabbling into my many other artsy things with a huge smile on my face), hence why not too many posts.

But that is about to change!  hey I figure if I put it in writting, I have an obligation to commit. Right? ;)

So why I haven't created?  

..... the year started off with my back being out for 33 days.  Trust me, that's a long time to not be able to do much. But on the positive, it gave me lots of time to think.
..... A childhood boyfriend was murdered in January and it affected me greatly.
..... I joined the gym in February which took up most of my time and energy.
..... In April, a very sweet friend who I met in the scrapbooking industry was murdered.  And to be frank, this is one of the main reasons why I haven't created much, because every time I go sit at my art table, I find something that reminds me of her, then my creative brain blanks out and I walk away.  I know she would rather I create, so I will....very soon.
..... Then home renovations started in May.  For some reason it meant that the whole house had to be in dis-order.
..... And well, my room doesn't inspire me the way it is right now.  So I will definetly work on that!

My hubby and I had talked about organizing our home this year.  Going through everything, getting rid of stuff, etc...but we both had difficulties just even starting anything.  But let me tell you, with our kitchen renovations almost done, we have a new found appreciation that it’s absolutely necessary to have the right tools (be it furniture etc) to get organized. 

Soooooo….. I finally put my foot down (no that doesn’t really happen…honestly) and hubby picked up 2 IKEA expedit (Kallax) shelving units yesterday and quickly put them together.  So now another mess has begun.  BEWARE the following pic…it’s a shocker (hubby moved everything everywhere to make room for the shelves) so it really doesn't look like this every day.

And then last night, just as he was finishing up putting together the shelving, he dropped one unit on both of his feet!!  So much for putting my foot down...pun intended.  All 150 lbs of that unit fell on his feet!  I didn’t think it was that serious cause he didn’t scream!  But with instant swelling larger than a golf ball and colour was setting in, I knew it was serious.  My first thought was to go to emergency and then panic set in -->  we were going to be 2 people in the house with mobility issues!  What a scary thought!  Ok so I calmed down and he let me take care of him (this is rare) and the swelling has gone down quite a bit. So over the next few days we’ll see.  So now I feel like I owe it to him to finally get this done, once and for all.  If you know me well, you know that I have re-organized this room a few times. 

(So here's his feet this morning).  DH you are such a great support at whatever I do. Thank you!

And this morning in bed, I viewed an awesome Motivational Speech by Jim Carrey  I’m not a big fan of him as an actor, but as a motivational speaker, he’s hit a few nails on the head.  And this gave me more ammunition to get my room organized and to begin creating again.  Oh and this also means that my sewing room will get done as well as it was used as our temporary kitchen during renovations.  Take the time to watch this and pass it on, especially to your kids.
...........So back to re-organizing I go!

What do you do to try to incorporate doing what you love in your busy day to day routine?

I need to come up with a flexible schedule that incorporates my exercise routine and creative time, while still having time to socialize and clean house.  Not many hours in the day where I am energetic and productive so it’s going to be a challenge.

Hope you are having a creative day!

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